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Deep Sea Sharks & Rays

The depths are home to some of the ocean's largest sharks, from Greenland sharks to Sixgills. As apex predators, they have a key role in the ecosystem.


Deep Sea Rays & Skates

These cartilaginous fish are relatives of sharks, and they fulfil similar ecological niches, but in the sea floor ecosystem rather than the open ocean.

Ghost Sharks

The Chimaera, or Ghost Shark, exhibit a morphology unlike any other creature. They are named after a Greek monster that is made up of parts of different animals.

Great White Sharks

Sharks help to increase the species diversity of our oceans by driving competition and controlling population sizes in the ocean ecosystem.

Greenland Sharks

The Greenland shark is perhaps the most peculiar species of shark, found in the icy Arctic waters often at depths of 2,000 metres, down in the midnight zone of the ocean.

Megamouth Sharks

The Megamouth Shark swims with its mouth open wide to filter plankton from the water. They spend most of their lives down here in the Abyss, at times descending to 15,000 feet below.

Sharks of the Deep

Sharks are highly-specialised predators, demonstrating an array of adaptations in order to survive the various habitats of the deep ocean.

Sixgill Sharks

There is a giant that haunts the deep sea. Down in the bathypelagic zone, this predator lurks, circling the sunken corpse of a whale.

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